
GODai Global Orthogonal Data Artificial Intelligence.


The situation is that traditional marketing approaches is hit or miss, provides mediocre results, and is short-lived. Keep paying or it stops.



There is technology used by every Fortune 500 company that solves those problems. Unfortunately, it is too complex, and too expensive for ordinary businesses.



Fortune 500 companies use special monitoring technology to legally spy on consumers to determine which consumers are confirmed to become customers. GODai is a proprietary technology to bring that technology to ordinary businesses.



There are some limitations to this technology.  Due to the way it works (explained later), there are a limited number of clients that can use it in an area. Once your local area is saturated, it is no longer available to you.

During our initial launch of this technology, there are some price incentives to our beta testers. If you are interested, contact us to check availability.



Think of traditional advertising like a billboard. While your billboard is up, you might get some business from it. But once it's down, everything stops.

GODai isn't just one billboard, it is capable of capturing confirmed future-customers from your entire city/area. Once they are captured, they are retained forever.

The best way to explain how it works is with an example.

Ford Motor Company uses this technology to track consumers in an area. The moment a consumer drives into any other auto dealer lot, Ford captures them. Then the satellite/cellular tracking follows them home.

Now Ford knows exactly who is interested in buying a car, and where they live. Now Ford owns those consumers in a list. Ford can then show ads at their home, on their phones, on all their apps, on their television. Ford can focus their spending on just those consumers.



From a financial perspective, old, traditional advertising is like a shot gun. Just like the traditional military carpet-bombing to hit a couple things. Today, the military uses laser-guided, pin-point bombing.

In the same sense, when you only need to spend on advertising to confirmed future-customers, you're spending a fraction of the cost. The savings are enormous, and the business growth is significantly stronger.


  • You collect confirmed future-customers into a list so you can have a business asset.
  • You only target confirmed future-customers so you can save money by focusing your efforts.
  • You can legally steal customers from competitors just like Ford steals customers from other dealerships.
  • You can accelerate the growth of your business since you are able to capture all the future-customers in your area. The list potential is significant.
  • You save internal time costs since more consumers will show up as confirmed customers, instead of people wasting your time.


If you have questions, or wish to know availability in your area, please contact one of our technical advisors.